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  1. Empirical Cane

    Savion Riley Portal

  2. Empirical Cane

    Savion Riley Portal

    Maybe he's Biltmore for another program?
  3. Empirical Cane

    Savion Riley Portal

    Unless is was deferred NIL for end of AY? I want to believe the program wasn't that stupid.
  4. Empirical Cane

    Savion Riley Portal

    Empirical's time is now!!!
  5. Empirical Cane

    Savion Riley Portal

    When does the board porster transfer portal window open?
  6. Empirical Cane

    Savion Riley Portal

    Just makes more room for 5'7 285lb DTs... Oh wait....
  7. Empirical Cane

    Savion Riley Portal

    LOVE THIS NEW THUNDERDOME MIAMI. #TwoMenEnterOneManLeaves #This****IsGettingOutOfControl
  8. Empirical Cane

    Savion Riley Portal

    I'm telling you... there will be a moment when a player leaves a team in 2Q and comes out dressed for the other team in 3Q. #RecognizeMySkillz #YouThinkI'mJoking