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  1. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    Yup. It's a tough case unless something comes out we're not aware of just yet. This is why I think that if Irvin really had a gripe that he was somehow damaged, best to deal with this privately. Send some letters. Keep it on the down low. I really disagree with the way his lawyers have handled...
  2. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    As to your first point, that's where things can get interesting. We don't know anything, but let's assume the woman just said that Michael made her feel uncomfortable. Entirely possible. What if Marriot twisted that into "Irvin sexually assaulted an employee." I tend to think that if Marriot...
  3. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    Not sure I entirely agree with that. -Mike has the burden to demonstrate that something defamatory was said about him by Marriot to the NFL. This burden is fairly heavy--he needs to prove his case in his case-in-chief or it gets tossed before the defense gets to put on their case. -Once he...
  4. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    This isn’t Michael’s fault. It’s bad lawyering.
  5. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    It’s not her burden. It’s Michael’s. He’s the plaintiff.
  6. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    No idea. I just cannot imagine why Michael‘s lawyers would file a lawsuit and theoretically invite the woman who was allegedly accosted to testify about what Michael said to her. She will be a very credible witness because she has no financial incentive whatsoever. And Michael cannot refute...
  7. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    This will get settled. It'll never get to court. But how does it play for Michael when one witness testifies he said that. And then Michael testifies "I don't remember what I said." Those optics are not good. That's why you just let this go. If, on the other hand, Michael was adamant that he...
  8. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    Except the problem is, that Michael's brilliant legal team have propagated and sensationalized this story and made it a conversation where there likely would be none. Michael's lawyers have probably hurt Mike's reputation more than the Marriot. If not for his brilliant jurists, I doubt any of...
  9. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    Nothing is wrong with flirting. But, reportedly, asking someone whether they've ever had a "big black man inside of her" probably isn't the way we encourage folks to flirt with women.
  10. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    She was probably uptight and Marriot probably didn't need to get the NFL involved. But, at the same time, and I know you can appreciate this, big corporations get sued when they don't do appropriate investigations into allegations of misconduct.
  11. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    LOL. Homey, this is what we're talking about in this thread, right?
  12. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    How are you asserting what happened definitively and as a matter of fact, if even Michael himself doesn't recall what was said? Anyways, I think some of you are discounting this woman simply because the target is a Cane. The fact is, she doesn't have much to gain financially. I don't know the...
  13. AlexCane

    Official Michael Irvin* Sues Marriott for $100 Million

    I am a little baffled why someone who has been no stranger to controversy would care so much about what was said and had no repercussions other than a week off the air. How do you support a "$100M valuation" where the damage is . . . being off the air for a week? These folks that rail against...