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  1. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    I saw that on TV. She had to hold the guy for quite awhile. Strong woman.
  2. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    I agree but FOP lobby will say more cops would lose element of surprise and more LE officers would get shot/killed; Prosecutors will say evidence to convict perps might be lost.
  3. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Think he's the current head of Hispanic Republicans of Maryland.
  4. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Might have gotten the idea from one of the two "Kill Bill" movies. That male nurse not only abused Uma Thurman? himself but brought paying guys in as well. Prolly happens to a lot more to unconscious/comatose patients than we'd care to know about.
  5. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Fetterman condemns ‘recreational cruelty’ toward Boebert family By Brady Knox, Wash Examiner Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) defended Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) family against attacks pouring in from Democrats, condemning the “recreational cruelty” against her. . Boebert’s family became the...
  6. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Anyone here old enough to recall the Freedomtown riots at the big migrant camp for Marielitos under I-95 in downtown Miami back in 1980? Memorialized in the movie Scarface. Some of these reports are reminiscent, or maybe foreboding.
  7. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Jenner? Because he;'s the poster boy/girl of Trans in this country, no? And, an avid Trump booster/voter. On that, I wonder how Donald would answer if he was asked what I asked you -- Do you consider Jenner mentally ill? What's his thinking?
  8. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    I'm sure there are plenty of "therapists" who very well might recommend the opposite of what you assume they would. Sadly, even for kids. Psychiatry is hardly a panacea for issues like this. What's your view on *** kids? Same or different solution? Be interested in hearing your view on the only...
  9. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Wonder what the treatment was/is? To "deprogram" them back to "normal?" Like what was touted for years in conservative/religious circles to "cure" homosexuality? (Featured in the first Borat movie iirc.)
  10. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Who knows? Semantics? Beyond my intelligence to claim any real understanding. Glad my family never had to deal with this. Sounds like a living **** to go through for anyone.
  11. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    They may find it difficult to obtain treatment as I think the APA declared it not to be a mental illness a decade or so ago. The APA has also gone on record recently as opposing efforts to change people’s gender identity, citing scientific research showing that such actions may be harmful...
  12. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Are you saying all Trans people are mentally ill (like, say, Olympic decathlon gold medalist and staunch GOPer/Trump endorser, Bruce/Caitlin Jenner)? Or only some?
  13. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Mother of first-grader who shot Newport News teacher gets two-year sentence
  14. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Alleged Fentanyl trafficker (per a comment) but still .... while in cuffs?
  15. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    I'm with you on that.
  16. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    PSA's don't generate money. Hence, wasted time to station owners I guess. Stations that do run them do so to be able to show the FCC when their license is up for challenge/renewal. When I think back to when I was a kid in the 50/60s, I just think now how everyone -- adults and teens -- were...
  17. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    I don't disagree. DC Mayor Bowser says "It's on the parents to hold their kids accountable." If it is, it's not working.
  18. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    Bottom pic of the shoplifters: Is the PC phrase now "retail appropriators" or "reparations collectors"?
  19. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    I see Walgreen's is one of the Dow stocks propelling the Index to a +500 point gain this morning. Good news on inflation of course being the main factor. I guess all those losses to retail theft in their stores nationwide is just a minor blip to them.
  20. H

    Off-Topic Crime 2.0

    I was focused on how POLITE the cop was. That was my experience (although I never got stopped by them). They really did see themselves as civil servants (emphasis on servants).