NFL Stephen Ross is the Worst


Dennis Erickson Scholarship Fund
Sep 5, 2018
I said when this clown bought the team that the Dolphins would never win anything under his ownership.

I don't care how many billions this guy made in real estate. Anyone who conceives of this tennis and F1 nonsense to totally **** over the fans that make 90% of gameday revenues (Dolphins, Canes, concerts) is a total loser.

The parking situation is such a joke you couldn't make it up. One can only hope there is a better permanent situation but I am not holding my breath.

Year 3 of the "rebuild." 2-7. Two offensive coordinators. Chan Gailey last year. Adam Gase. Mike Tannenbaum. Chris Grier. Dion Jordan.

Loser owner. Loser team. Total reflection of everything that happens from the top down.

This guy should be run of out town.

You're forgetting he forced Tua on Grier. A broken QB with an average arm and below average height. Tua was never the answer. Now we'll end the season with a top 3-5 pick that we don't own and are about to be looking for a QB, again.
I just ran out of breath to even get into the Tua/OL situation and signing receivers who can't get out of the surgery ward. I hate this organization.
I am not arguing with any of this, but what got you in this rant on this Friday Jr. evening?

You going to the game tonight trying to park?
I am not arguing with any of this, but what got you in this rant on this Friday Jr. evening?

You going to the game tonight trying to park?
Exactly. I'm trying to rally the pitchforks from the grassroots.
Last straw for me was when I was forced to watch Tebow day… on the canes home field. That was the last game I attended after being a season tix holder since forever.

That was the day I was over it as well. He essentially invited the visiting team and gators fans into the stadium to cheer for the opposing team. Like who the fu@k does that?
I make zero effort to watch, just check the score at some point each Sunday and I'm apathetic win or lose. I got to grow up watching Dan Marino, I've accepted that was the pinnacle of me being a Dolphins fan.

I've accepted that for a while...Dan Marino was the golden era. The ownership is incompetent. You can almost guarantee that whatever move they don't have made the move was the correct choice. They're like a Star Trek Mirror Universe of my formerly beloved franchise. An organization more concerned with Game of Thrones politics and "making a splash".

  • They've literally invested more draft choices in the last 15 years in offensive linemen than any other team, yet not once in 15 years did they even obtain an average line
  • They spent three first round draft choices in four years on the running back position
  • They spent five second round draft choices in six years on the quarterback position, yet only one player (Henne) lasted beyond his second year.
The Dolphins are literally the Brooklyn Brawlers or Iron Mike Sharpes of the NFL.
I said when this clown bought the team that the Dolphins would never win anything under his ownership.

I don't care how many billions this guy made in real estate. Anyone who conceives of this tennis and F1 nonsense to totally **** over the fans that make 90% of gameday revenues (Dolphins, Canes, concerts) is a total loser.

The parking situation is such a joke you couldn't make it up. One can only hope there is a better permanent situation but I am not holding my breath.

Year 3 of the "rebuild." 2-7. Two offensive coordinators. Chan Gailey last year. Adam Gase. Mike Tannenbaum. Chris Grier. Dion Jordan.

Loser owner. Loser team. Total reflection of everything that happens from the top down.

This guy should be run of out town.

Switch to the Ravens, problem solved
Oooh can I jump in being a Carolina Panthers fan (although I'm not sure for how much longer!)??

They've just brought Cam Newton back, so the Cult of Cam is back in full force. Carolinans are.... a very, very weird bunch.
I’m more interested in F1 racing than the dolphins.
I'm an F1 fan. The absolute best case scenario is one race a year. One. And that's highly unlikely to be the case. It'll be occasional at best. This isn't Monaco. Ross knows nothing about racing either.
Oooh can I jump in being a Carolina Panthers fan (although I'm not sure for how much longer!)??

They've just brought Cam Newton back, so the Cult of Cam is back in full force. Carolinans are.... a very, very weird bunch.
Don't blame the natives, it is all the Ohioans that move here.