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  1. miamimike305

    Dollar quote, specifics and gofundme to fly the banner this Friday gentleman.

    Where you at @NicKane. We need to make this happen.
  2. miamimike305

    Dollar quote, specifics and gofundme to fly the banner this Friday gentleman.

    I just got it to $450. Fly the banner!
  3. miamimike305

    Dollar quote, specifics and gofundme to fly the banner this Friday gentleman.

    I'm sure either of these would get more attention than an English one.
  4. miamimike305

    Dollar quote, specifics and gofundme to fly the banner this Friday gentleman.

    I'm bout to put $45. You're gonna put the $50?
  5. miamimike305

    Dollar quote, specifics and gofundme to fly the banner this Friday gentleman.

    I post it all over twitter and I'm bout to donate. We need more people! Donate $10, $20 or whatever you can.
  6. miamimike305

    Dollar quote, specifics and gofundme to fly the banner this Friday gentleman.

    "Save the U, Fire Blake James and Board of Trustees!"
  7. miamimike305

    Dollar quote, specifics and gofundme to fly the banner this Friday gentleman.

    Fire Blake James and UM Admins Commit to Winning.