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  1. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    They moved it again. I **** you not that it's going to be downwind of a garbage dump in Doral. The people running it are claiming the smell won't be an issue because no trucks dump garbage there at night. The best part of Miami is sometimes you couldn't even make the stuff up if you actually...
  2. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Souto is out of office in like 2 months. Kewl of him to share his opinion though.
  3. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Haha. She was good on it. Never got to meet her but I did meet this dude Jeremy that was probably the main male actor. Cool guy. Will humor incessant jokes about him trying to roofie drinks. My sister was pretty upset when Covid basically expedited its cancelation as it was a consistent easy...
  4. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Hahaha! Don't you ever associate a gem of a man like Johnny Q with this hater just because they share a surname! I did really crack up that you referenced that show though. My sister was one of the reoccurring actors on it. Spent a lot of time in diners in Jersey.
  5. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    The worst. No wonder he has an obvious affinity for Corben.
  6. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Moderator: A local DoorDash driver has entered the chat...
  7. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    I think the real question might be if Corben would be relevant without Kevin Brinkworth? Or would he have been a one hit wonder with Cocaine Cowboys that we all forgot about a long time ago?
  8. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Johnny is trusting Epstein a bit too much here imo but he also could be right and Corben has ZERO sauces AT the school and is just getting his "info' from Havenick who wouldn't be anywhere near in the loop on anything. At that's assuming Billy isn't just forming opinions based on nothing but...
  9. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Like I've continuously said, I challenge anyone to give me a name of ANY person of stature at or around UM that is talking to Billy about anything that isn't named David Epstein or Izzy Havenick- and Havenick barely qualifies here. He doesn't know **** about anything and spins his own...
  10. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    By Corben's "logic" we should just assume Ruiz is lying here and has gone completely rogue with zero communication with anyone of any stature at UM.....and that the school is just too lazy to push back on his efforts in ANY manner as he weakens their "leverage" at their desired home for the next...
  11. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Unless it's touted as a "spring" I find most freshwater bodies of water in this state as beyond suspect to ever enter. And I say that as someone that only had lakes and filthy rivers as my local bodies of water growing up. Apologies to anybody that grew up jumping in canals. You're a special breed.
  12. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    The lake essentially going INTO the stadium is a cool aesthetic. I'm sure none of us would risk a brain eating amoeba and jump in that **** post a big win. Nope.
  13. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Exactly and for him to have expected otherwise from the school (especially during that timeframe) only shows an insane amount of lack of awareness and essentially narcissism on his end.
  14. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Imagine just dropping into this whole topic and thinking this clown has credibility or actual sauces at or around the school not named David Epstein and Izzy Havenick. Like even IF you want to buy his shtick then how do you explain his notion of "leverage" and the prospects of the school...
  15. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    Fake news. An intern at HKS with some colored pencils and an app on a tablet will give you a set of "renderings" for like $599 so you TOO can scam an unsuspecting fanbase and city into advancing your completely unrelated healthcare product. Thank GOD we have several self-appointed ombudsman on...
  16. Tad Footeball

    Ruiz Stadium update?

    I absolutely can see how some people fancy themselves as "realists" and would take a pessimistic view on this actually coming to fruition. Understandable. The thing I can't respect are the clowns in our fanbase that initially came out as suspicious of Ruiz and now are continuously doubling down...