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  1. IndayArtHauz

    Official Fall 2022 PractiSe 1

    Nah, I 100% agree with you. The attacks on her looks and her character are pathetic. I think she lacks in the beat reporter department, but she's a wife and mother, clearly trying at a job she isn't suited for, with a public-facing identity. More than I'd ever try to do.
  2. IndayArtHauz

    Official Fall 2022 PractiSe 1

    Players: This the weight I am. Coaches: That is the weight he is. Piece of printed paper: Lookie at theez numberss! CIS: GOD HAS EXPANDED HIS INERRANT WORD TO INCLUDE THE PRACTISE PAPERS
  3. IndayArtHauz

    Official Fall 2022 PractiSe 1

    “Minor clean up” on his knee.
  4. IndayArtHauz

    Official Fall 2022 PractiSe 1

    This is not random, friendo.
  5. IndayArtHauz

    Official Fall 2022 PractiSe 1

    Gary reporting that “blizzard” is synonymous with “really cold”
  6. IndayArtHauz

    Official Fall 2022 PractiSe 1

    His gains was what I was most curious about. Arguable that no other player would have their impact maxed or limited as much as him.